Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Gatsby Test Chapters 1-4

Chapter 1 
- What is the relationship between Nick and Daisy?
- What the reason why Nick isn't doing his family's tradition?
Chapter 2
-Who's Tom's mistress?
-Who gave Myrtle a puppy?
Chapter 3
-What were the rumors about Gatsby?
-Who was Jordan Backer?
Chapter 4
-Who lives across Daisy? 
-Why does Gatsby host a big party?


  1. 1 they're cousins
    2 he wants to learn about business
    3 myrtle Wilson
    4 tom
    5 he killed someone and was a spy in the war
    6 a famous golfer
    7 Gatsby
    8 he hopes that Daisy stops by

  2. 1- They are second cousins
    2- he is interested in business things
    3- Mrs Myrtle
    4-It was Tom
    5- He had killed a person before
    6- A golfer
    7- Mr Gatsby
    8- in hope that daisy would go
